Sunday, May 6, 2012

I had this great idea for an iPhone app and I tried to get some programmer friends or aquaintances interested in throwing it together for me.  I expected it to be a very, very straightforward and simple programming exercise, but I couldn't convince anyone to take on the project.  I decided to do it myself.  So I had to find an iPhone application toolkit to use.  The first one I came across was called Seattle Clouds, but it wasn't exactly right for me.  However, it was close.  So I used the name of that product in my search to see what other products were similar.  I used this search:

"iphone apps" application builders "seattle clouds"

and in the results, there was an article reviewing 25 iPhone application toolkits.  I found the one that works perfectly for me:  MobiOne.


  1. You look a little lonely over here, so I am honored to be your first follower. I like the idea of your blog, showing successes at searches. It is just amazing what you can find on the internet. I retired from test engineering and had to do a lot of searching for industrial equipment, instrumentation, parts and services. It could a bit tricky with all the merges, buying and selling of corporations.

    One grand success I had, was looking for a government source of Military Standards. I crapped around for better than an hour getting into circular searches on DOD sites that yielded no results. There has to be 22 bazillion Mil Stds and surely the DOD has some way of distributing them. Finally I looked up Military Standard in Wikipedia. The DOD source office was listed in the references at the bottom of the article. Why I couldn't find it with google was beyond me, but Wikipedia came through. I have used that trick several times since.

    From your comment on my blog I see you play Mahjong. Why not do a post on your Mahjong games, what type you play, what sort of set you use, how often you play.

    Interesting blog. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment! I truly appreciate it (even though I am so late replying). I am going to take your suggestion and do a Mah Jongg post.
