I had this great idea for an iPhone app and I tried to get some programmer friends or aquaintances interested in throwing it together for me. I expected it to be a very, very straightforward and simple programming exercise, but I couldn't convince anyone to take on the project. I decided to do it myself. So I had to find an iPhone application toolkit to use. The first one I came across was called Seattle Clouds, but it wasn't exactly right for me. However, it was close. So I used the name of that product in my search to see what other products were similar. I used this search:
"iphone apps" application builders "seattle clouds"
and in the results, there was an article reviewing 25 iPhone application toolkits. I found the one that works perfectly for me: MobiOne.
"iphone apps" application builders "seattle clouds"
and in the results, there was an article reviewing 25 iPhone application toolkits. I found the one that works perfectly for me: MobiOne.